Re-entry Trauma: Asian Re-integration After Study in the West


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    Many students who re-locate from host to home country are said to undergo aprocess of reverse culture shock akin to bereavement, involving stages of a grievingprocess. This has been likened to a ‘W-curve’ in which feelings fluctuate beforereaching a more balanced state. The present study examined the re-acculturation ofTaiwanese and Sri Lankan graduates after study in the West. It did not find evidenceof re-entry trauma in the psychological sense already established in the literature,but it did find socio-political issues that were associated with the tension betweenmodernism and traditionalism, or individualism and collectivism.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)93-111
    JournalJournal of Studies in International Education
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Jan 2011

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    • re-acculturation
    • re-entry
    • modernism
    • traditionalism
    • individualism
    • collectivism
    • Taiwan
    • Sri Lanka
    • W-curve
    • U-curve


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