Radon Levels and Indoor Air Quality in Northern Ireland Passive House Buildings

Barry McCarron, Shane Colclough

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

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The international passive house standard is primarily a building standard that delivers high thermal comfort based on excellent building fabric and balanced mechanical heat recovery ventilation. Indoor air quality and overheating prevalence are topics that have attracted increasing research attention across Europe, however post occupancy monitoring of indoor radon concentrations particularly in the Ireland and the UK is a much less studied.

This research investigates radon levels and indoor air quality in Northern Ireland
certified passive house buildings. The initial findings of this research suggest that in principle buildings built to the passive house standard correspond with lower indoor radon gas concentrations. The research also demonstrates a correlation with excellent indoor air quality in the same buildings over the monitoring period.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 13 Apr 2018


  • Radon
  • Passive House
  • IAQ
  • IEQ
  • EnerPHit


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