Radiographer tips for gaining European research funding-our experience with the SAFE EUROPE project

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Research in radiography is expanding rapidly however gaining funding for research activity is getting increasingly difficult. The European Union (EU) is a valuable source of funding and has funding available in many areas e.g. regional development, employment or research. The aim of this paper is to share our experience of a successful funding application for radiography research.
A application was made to the EU Sector Skills Alliance grant funding in 2017 to develop research on education and curriculum development for therapy radiographers.
The proposed research project was aligned with the requisites of the EU funding call i.e. cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Seven international partners across Europe were invited to join the consortium to perform specific tasks for the application with one partner identified as the Principal Investigator. A re-submission was made in 2018 using the feedback provided by the evaluation panel in 2017.
Successful grant of 499,736 Euros of research funding was awarded and the SAFE EUROPE project started in January 2019. The project is being led by Ulster University over three years and includes national professional associations, European federation, universities and hospitals. Literature reviews, surveys and interviews with stakeholders are currently underway across Europe.
Whilst it is difficult to secure funding for research, try, try and try again! EU research funding is available for radiographers (and other health care professionals). The application to is complex and time consuming but achievable with the right team of people.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 22 Aug 2021
EventInternational Society of Radiographers and Radiologic Technologists - Convention Centre Dublin Ireland hybrid event Online, Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 20 Aug 202122 Aug 2021
Conference number: 21


ConferenceInternational Society of Radiographers and Radiologic Technologists
Abbreviated titleISRRT
Internet address


  • grant funding
  • radiographers
  • radiographer research


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