AbstractAim. To evaluate the quality of doctoral education in nursing in the UnitedKingdom.Background. In recent decades, doctoral education programmes in nursing areincreasing worldwide. There are many reasons for this and concerns have beenraised regarding the quality of provision in and across countries. To date, thequality of doctoral education on a global level has not been reported in theliterature. This United Kingdom study is part of a seven country investigationinto the quality of doctoral education in nursing (Australia, Japan, Korea, SouthAfrica, Thailand, United Kingdom and United States of America).Design. A quantitative study using a cross-sectional comparative survey design.Method. An online survey was administered to collect the views of doctoralstudents and staff members on four domains: programme, faculty/staff, resourceand evaluation. The study was carried out between 2010–2012.Results. In most cases, staff perceived these more positively than students and thedifferences in perception were often statistically significant. Interestingly, manystudents rated the quality of supervision as excellent, whereas no staff memberrated supervision this highly. The crucial importance of resources was confirmedin the path analysis of the four Quality of Doctoral Nursing Education domains.This demonstrates that investment in resources is much more cost-effective thaninvestment in the other domains in relation to improving the overall quality ofdoctoral education in nursing.Conclusion. This study has wide-ranging implications for how the quality ofdoctoral education is monitored and enhanced.
Original language | English |
Pages (from-to) | 1639-1652 |
Journal | Journal of Advanced Nursing |
Volume | 70 |
Issue number | 7 |
Early online date | 6 Dec 2013 |
DOIs | |
Publication status | Published (in print/issue) - Jul 2014 |
Bibliographical note
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- doctoral education
- international
- nurses
- nursing
- quality
- survey