Qualitative evaluation of the SMART2 self-management system for people in chronic pain

Geoffrey Duggan, Edmund Keogh, Gail Mountain, Paul McCullagh, Jason Leake, Christopher Eccleston

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Technology could support the self-management of long-term health conditions suchas chronic pain. This article describes an evaluation of SMART2, a personalised selfmanagementsystem incorporating activity planning and review, feedback on behaviour- andacceptance-based therapeutic exercises. Method: The SMART2 system was evaluated over afour-week trial in the homes of people in chronic pain. At conclusion, participants wereinterviewed to understand the experience of using and living with the SMART2 system as atherapeutic tool. Results: Qualitative analysis of the interviews found that participants liked thesystem and reported making associated changes to their behaviour. Goal setting and feedbackwere the most useful elements of the system. A third key and unexpected element was that bysimulating some of the functions of a therapist, SMART2 also simulated some of the process ofinteracting with a therapist. Conclusions: People in chronic pain may experience positiveoutcomes when using a self-management system designed for behaviour change. Furthermore,some of the supportive aspects of the therapeutic context can be elicited by self-managementtechnologies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)53-60
JournalDisability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 1 Jan 2015


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