QAA Subject Benchmark Statement: Agriculture, Rural Environmental Sciences, Animal Studies, Consumer Science, Forestry, Food, Horticulture and Human Nutrition

Rosie Scott-Ward, Susan Doherty, Sarah Broadberry, Louise Bulmer, Miriam Clegg, David Dowd, Basma Ellahi, Carol Hall, Kieran Higgins, Alex Hilton, Kevin Kendall, Liz Lawrenson, Adilia Lemos, Andrew Leslie, Wanda McCormick, Natasha Medhurst, Rana Parween, Jenny Paxman, Opal Rowe, Christina SiettouLaura Sperry, Alysha Thompson, Paul Ward, Andrew Wilcox, Hefin Williams, Bethan Wood, Qian Yang

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


This document is a QAA Subject Benchmark Statement is for undergraduate degrees covering a range of separate but highly cognate areas, each of which is a subject in its own right. These include Agriculture, Rural Environmental Sciences, Animal Studies, Consumer Science, Forestry, Food, Horticulture and Human Nutrition. The Subject Benchmark Statement defines what can be expected of a graduate in each of these subject areas, in terms of what they might know, do and understand at the end of their studies. Subject Benchmark Statements are an established part of the quality assurance arrangements in UK higher education, but not a regulatory requirement. They are sector-owned reference points, developed and written by academics and practitioners on behalf of their subject. Subject Benchmark Statements also describe the nature and characteristics of awards in a particular subject or area. Subject Benchmark Statements are published in QAA's capacity as an expert quality body on behalf of the higher education sector. A summary of the Statement is also available on the QAA website.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationGloucester
PublisherQuality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
Commissioning bodyQuality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
Number of pages27
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 1 Apr 2024


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