Public-Private Partnerships in the USA: Lessons to be Learned for the United Kingdom (Routledge Critical Studies in Public Management)

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Broadly, a public-private partnership (or PPP) is any collaboration betweenthe public and private sector, but research in the UK has tended to focus onthose that have been used for major infrastructure projects, such as roads,schools and hospitals. This book compares and contrasts PPP research inthe UK with that of cases in the USA, including interviews with some ofthe key stakeholders (decision makers in the public sector, contractors andusers) of PPPs in North America, and observations of PPPs in action (suchas schools and roads).No prior major studies have compared the UK and USA when it comesto the development and operation of PPPs, and this book fi lls a gap in theliterature, addressing a number of key questions, including: Is the privatesector viewed with less suspicion in the USA when it comes to projects thatwould normally fall under the aegis of the public sector? How do politicsaffect PPPs? How do key players in the PPP process defi ne project success,determine the merits and drawbacks of the initiative, and deal with controversialelements of the scheme such as value for money and risk transfer?The result is a volume that offers practical advice for the future developmentof PPPs in the UK.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages148
ISBN (Print)978-0415818797
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 19 Dec 2012


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