Psychlorama: An Immersive Dome Experience

Alan Hook (Photographer)

Research output: Non-textual formInstallation


Psychlorama is a 360° experimental audio-visual production made for dome projection. It is a collaborative project involving North West Regional College, Ulster University’s School of Communication and Media , Queen’s University Belfast Sonic Arts Research Centre, Movin Music Academy and Celtronic. It is the first production of its kind made in Northern Ireland. The project uses Immersive Cinematography, Spatial Audio, Generative Art, and Artificial Intelligence to create an innovative immersive projection experience which explores the tensions and connectedness of natural and artificial rhythms.

The piece has four modular movements which form the core to the piece, and created the starting point for the development. These experimental audio pieces developed by Jonny Delaney and Rory Donaghy have been spatialized in collaboration with Queens University Belfast SARC lab, to create an immersive audio experience in 5.1 surround.

The audio pieces created a framework for the visuals to draw from. Using Immersive Cinematography with both 360° and specially adapted cameras for shooting 4K 220°, and Artificial Intelligence upscalling the team produced a workflow which can create large scale format dome projection footage. This created a base layer for digital generative arts practices to respond to using TouchDesigner to create reactive and responsive visual.

The team worked with consultants from Immersive Theatres, National Space Centre Creative and Dome Club to help build workflows and models of best practice for live footage dome projection
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputFilm
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 24 Jun 2021
EventPsycholrama: An Immersive Dome Experience - Foyle Theatre, NWRC, L'Derry, United Kingdom
Duration: 24 Jun 202125 Jun 2021


  • immersive
  • Projection
  • experimental


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