‘Principles to enable safe, effective and person-centred Handovers within acute settings in Northern Ireland

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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Project Aim
3.1 The aim of the project was to ‘Develop principles to enable safe, effective and
person-centred Handovers within acute settings in Northern Ireland.’
The objectives of the Project were to:
3.2 Develop an engagement strategy for key stakeholders.
3.3 Conduct a literature search and identify best practice in relation to safe and effective
person-centred handovers.
3.4 Scope the relationship and interface with other clinical communication activities
including Ward Rounds, Safety Briefs, Huddles, Multidisciplinary Team meetings,
White Board Reports, ward and inter hospital transfers, and PACE Care Planning.
3.5 Identify and agree the core elements of a safe and effective person-centred
3.6 Develop regional principles to be adopted across Northern Ireland that will:
i. enable patients to take a lead role in their care
ii. support the delivery of person centred outcomes for safe and effective care
and services
iii. satisfy the requirements of the NMC Code.
3.7 Identify proposals for implementation and spread, including challenges and signpost
where further work may be required.
3.8 Make recommendations for suitability for spread in acute settings.
3.9 Consider impact of electronic notation within the recommendations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHSC NIPEC
Number of pages47
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2018


  • Person Centred Practice
  • Handover
  • nursing
  • safety and effectiveness


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