Preliminary report on a survey in the Hazimah plains: a hamad landscape in north-eastern Jordan

Harmen Huigens

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


In June 2013, an archaeological survey was carried out in the Hazimah plains, situated in the Jebel Qurma region of north-eastern Jordan. These plains surround the so-called Black Desert or harra, which has been known to contain an extremely rich archaeological and epigraphic record. In contrast to the harra, little is known about the archaeology of the surrounding hamad landscapes, and the survey presented in this paper aims to contribute to filling in this gap of knowledge. Initially, the survey aims to investigate the long-term history of settlement and land-use of this seemingly hostile environment, and, at the same time, seeks out an efficient methodology for locating the remains of the largely mobile communities that inhabited the Hazimah plains in the past.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)180-194
JournalPalestine Exploration Quarterly
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished online - 28 Aug 2015


  • Eastern badia
  • Jebel Qurma
  • mobility
  • pastoralism
  • mortuary landscape
  • settlement history


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