Political violence and young people: Exploring levels of risk, motivations and targeted preventative work

Jonny Byrne, Brandon Hamber, Duncan Morrow, Brian Dougherty, Elizabeth Gallagher

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

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Exploring the pathways of violent extremism has become an issue of intense policy concern at a local, national and international level. Northern Ireland provides an opportunity to both identify and analyse radical political violence in a specific context which may also throw light on the processes of recruitment and attractiveness of political extremism among young people whilst exploring further the mechanisms for engagement and learning. This project mapped out and developed a body of knowledge in Northern Ireland around a subject area that has been superficially researched to date by providing an initial critical analysis of the behaviours and underpinning characteristics of those young people (18-21) at risk of engaging in political/extreme violence and behaviour in Northern Ireland.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherCo-operation Ireland
Number of pages42
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 30 Jun 2016


  • Radicalisation
  • Extremism
  • Youth Work.


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