Poiesis: Encountering a Philosophy of Composition within COVID-19

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


Stephen K. Levine’s latest book Philosophy of Expressive Arts Therapy: Poiesis and the Therapeutic Imagination (2019) is a call to artistry and the re-shaping of the world both around us and within. At its core is an examination of the ancient Greek word poiesis, a word that evokes making, crafting and bringing into existence something new. It also evokes de-centring and the apprehension of peripheries as vantage points, beyond our own position or “tight spot” (Levine 2020, p. 39). In reading Levine’s book, the making that is a becoming, or the significance of poiesis, seems relevant to a crisis of health. Levine declares the expressive arts as being “resource-oriented” (Levine 2019, p. 39) and an aesthetic responsibility towards both oneself and the re-shaping of the world around us.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationPolyphony: Journal of the Irish Association of Creative Arts Therapists
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 20 Apr 2020


  • Art Therapy
  • Environment
  • COVID-19


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