Person centred Care in the Radiography curriculum – the patient's perception of undergoing Radiotherapy

Dr Sonyia McFadden, Dr Angela O Neil, Ms. Terri Flood, Ms. Sharon Guille, Ms Celeste Oliveira, Ms Barbara Barbosa, Ms Ana Luisa Soares, Mr Kyle Muscat, Mr Bartosz Bak, Dr Patricia McClure, Prof Ciara Hughes

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Person Centred Practice (PCP) in healthcare entails keeping the person in the centre of decision making. It includes the core values of authenticity, shared autonomy, respect for the persons abilities and preferences, understanding, therapeutically caring and a commitment to healthfulness as an outcome. A high level of care is vital in the practice of Therapeutic Radiographers/Radiation Therapists (TRs/RTTs) to ensure quality of care and patient safety. This study aimed to assess the patient's perception of their experience whilst undergoing Radiotherapy (RT). Methods Ethical permission was obtained from Ulster University, Belfast, UK. Phase 1 consisted of a previously published survey the Person-centred Practice Inventory for Service Users. In phase 2 online and face to face interviews were conducted with radiotherapy patients across the UK, Portugal, and Malta. Patients >18years currently receiving, or who had received radiotherapy within the last 24 months, were included in the study. Descriptive statistics (SPSS) and thematic analysis (NVivo) were performed. Results While variations in practice occurred across countries, most patients felt that TRs/RTTs had the required competencies to listen, understand and communicate compassionately with them during their treatment. The core values of the patient were respected; however, further work is required to ensure shared autonomy for patients and more flexibility to accommodate patient ability and preferences. Psychosocial support was highly regarded by patients who expressed a desire for further information communicated from their TRs/RTTs at the end of their treatment. Conclusion It is necessary to ensure that TRs/RTTs develop the necessary interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence to enable them to adopt the best patient care. TRs/RTTs’ education must provide them with advanced communication skills and an understanding of patient psychology. Some of these skills can also be reinforced through continuing professional development.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished online - 2 Dec 2022

Publication series

NameThe Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences
PublisherElsevier Inc.
ISSN (Print)1939-8654


  • Person Centred Care
  • Radiotherapy
  • Patient voice
  • Skills
  • Education


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