Performance: Simulacrum Immediated

Research output: Non-textual formPerformance

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Overview: During a live panelist discussion of transmedia, remediation and the simulacrum the artist will simultaneously remediate the panelist discussion and conjure a virtual Mario using a live video feed and AR technology and then invite the panelists to discuss their mediated presence and the presence of Mario amongst them as both an example of transmedia and the simulacrum.MethodThe artist will project a live video feed of the panelists on a screen behind them and then use a Nintendo 3DS portable games console and augment their image with a life size Mario produced from the use of an enlarged AR Card.The resultant immediated (immediated: neologism combining immediate and mediation) imagery will be captured via camcorder and projected on to a screen behind behind the colloquium participants and visible to the attendees.ObjectivesTo simultaneously present a live panel discussion of mediation, transmedia and the simulacrum in its unmediated, mediated and augmented forms.The augmentation of the live mediated image of the panel by an example of transmedia (Mario) which becomes an example of the simulacrum (Baudrillard) due to the Mario avatar's break with the media for which he was designed (Super Mario Bros. Game) and his re-appropriation by the artist as a participant in a panelist discussion about transmedia and mediation.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 11 Jan 2013
EventMeCCSA 2013: Space & Places of Culture - Derry/Londonderry N.Ireland
Duration: 9 Jan 201311 Jan 2013

Bibliographical note

Performance type: art


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