Peer Review Report For: Safefood4eu: An interdisciplinary approach on education for sustainable agri-food systems in Europe: [version 1; peer review: 2 not approved]

Kieran Higgins, Alison Calvert

Research output: Contribution to journalEssay


Foods are complex products consisting of many ingredients of diverse origins. Along the food supply chains, food products are prone to spoilage and safety issues, which could give rise to different health-related concerns and outcomes. Furthermore, the existing highly centralised food systems generate substantial greenhouse gas emissions and food waste. In order to strengthen the sustainable decentralised "farm-to-fork" food chains, a mindset shift supported by relevant education and policy initiatives is highly required. The ERASMUS+ KA220 project SafeFood4EU was conceived with a crucial mission - to develop an interdisciplinary and innovative toolbox of higher education and lifelong learning courses that reflect various aspects of sustainable agri-food systems. The thematic areas discussed within the SafeFood4EU project have covered food safety and supply chain management, sustainable food systems and design, food production and quality of raw materials, food authenticity and analysis, and digital and soft skills. The main objectives have been to develop a distinctive content package and make it available to the students via an e-learning management system. The project's results, aimed at creating a pool of young and capable experts, can significantly impact future food security, thereby increasing awareness about the future challenges regarding food systems transition, dietary shift and the next generation's food security.
Original languageEnglish
JournalOpen Research Europe
Issue number222
Publication statusPublished online - 28 Nov 2024


  • sustainable agri-food systems
  • higher education
  • life-long learning
  • COIL
  • collaborative online international learning


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