Overview: Nutritional and cancer-related applications using comet assay

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Since its conception by Ostling and Johanson in 1984, thecomet assay has been widely used to measure a range ofcellular responses to DNA damage and has found applicationsin genotoxicity studies, bio-monitoring, ecological testing andin the study of human disease.This presentation will review how the comet assay has beenutilised to the study of DNA damage and repair associated withcancer, including its use in assessing oxidative stress and inbio-monitoring related to chemicals and radiation exposure.Furthermore, the application of the comet assay in nutritionalstudies as a means of investigating micronutrient effects onDNA will also be reviewed, and the usefulness of the cometassay in establishing links between dietary intake and cancerwill be evaluated.The advantages and limitations of the comet assay for suchstudies will be outlined, as well as discussing the potential of thecomet assay for clinical use in cancer prognosis and diagnosis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e3-e3
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2007


  • Comet assay
  • nutrition
  • DNA damage


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