'Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth?' : Considerations of sustainable approaches to collaborative practice.

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Dominant ideologies act to squeeze out the very possibility of possibility (Duncombe and Lambert, 2017). As its starting point, this article considers what thinking may need to be drawn upon for future (trans-) or (re-) formations of collaborative practices. Its primary concern is with collaborative art, which covers a dynamic set of practices including community, participatory and socially engaged art, amongst others. The sometimes semantic, historic, or ideological differences within this arts substrate can be broadly collapsed into their shared foundation in collaborations based on human interaction and connection. Casting an unapologetically wide theoretical net, this article will contemplate the issues we need to grapple with in order to develop more sustainable human relationships - the bedrock of all forms of collaboration. Sustainability here is viewed from an ethical perspective, concerned with issues of agency, expression and equity. Specifically considered are notions of social and ideological disobedience (Wilde, 2018; Holloway, 2015), pedagogies of thought and practice (Freire, 1970; Leistyna, 2004; Buck-Morss, 2016), the framework of (cultural) rights and the contestation of the idea of the arts or artists as purely professional (Matarasso, 2013, 2019; Ryan and Whelan, 2016; Rogoff, 2013). In essence, this article locates itself in the practice of thinking as the essential precursor to doing and ultimately becoming ‘more fully human’ (Freire, 1970:21). In considering the sustainability of collaboration, thinking is the practice
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)18-23
Number of pages6
JournalIntersections (Postgraduate Journal - Arts , Humanities , Social Sciences)
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 3 Jul 2020


  • community art
  • participatory art
  • collaborative practice
  • socially engaged art
  • cultural rights
  • sustainability


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