Occurrence and characteristics of fastidious Campylobacteraceae species in porcine samples

K.A. Scanlon, C. Cagney, D. Walsh, E. B. McNamara, A. M. Carroll, D.A. McDowell, G. Duffy

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    27 Citations (Scopus)


    study investigated the prevalence and characteristics of Campylobacteraceae including a range of fastidious species in porcine samples. Over a thirteen month period caecal contents (n=402) and pork carcass swabs (n=401), were collected from three pork abattoirs and pork products (n=399) were purchased at point of sale in the Republic of Ireland.Campylobacteraceae isolates were recovered by enrichment, membrane filtration and incubation in antibiotic free media under a modified atmosphere (3 % O2, 5 % H2, 10 % CO2 and 82 % N2). Campylobacteraceae isolates were identified as genus Campylobacter or Arcobacter and then selected species were identified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).Campylobacteraceae were isolated from 103 (26 %) caecal samples, 42 (10 %) carcass swabs,and 59 (15 %) pork products. C. coli was the most commonly isolated species found in (37 %) all sample types but many fastidious species were also isolated including C. concisus (10 %), A. utzleri (8 %), C. helveticus (8 %), C. mucosalis (6 %), A. cryaerophilus (3 %), C. fetus subsp. fetus (1 %), C. jejuni subsp. jejuni, (1 %), C. lari (0.5 %), C. curvus (0.5 %) and A. skirrowii (0.5 %). Among all isolates, 83 % contained cadF and 98 % flaA. In this study 35 % of porcine C. coli were resistant to ciprofloxacin but none of the fastidious species demonstrated any resistance to this drug. The level of resistance to erythromycin was very high (up to 100 %) in C. concisus and C. helveticus and this is a real concern as this is the current empiric drug of choice for treatment of severe gastroenteritic Campylobacter infections. The study shows that there is a much wider range of fastidious Campylobacteraceae present in porcine samples than previously assumed with C. concisus the second most common species isolated. The majority of fastidious ampylobacteraceaeisolates obtained contained virulence genes and antibiotic resistance indicating potential publichealth significance.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)6-13
    JournalInternational Journal of Food Microbiology
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2013

    Bibliographical note

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    • Campylobacter
    • Arcobacter
    • carcass
    • caeca
    • pork


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