North-South Irish Responses to Transnational Organised Crime: Research Report of Findings

Tom Obokata, Brian Payne

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

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    This project was funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) for the duration oftwo years (2012–2014). Its main objective was to critically analyse the extent to which NorthernIreland and Ireland have been successful in implementing effective action against transnationalorganised crime, including the observance of relevant human rights norms and principles, withparticular reference to cross-border co-operation. The core research team consisted of ProfessorTom Obokata (Principal Investigator), Dr Brian Payne (Research Fellow), and Professor JohnJackson (Consultant). The project was overseen by an advisory board of stakeholders from bothjurisdictions, representing agencies such as the Police Service of Northern Ireland, An GardaSíochána, the Department of Justice Northern Ireland, the Department of Justice and Equality inIreland, the Organised Crime Task Force in Northern Ireland, HM Revenue & Customs, theCommittee on the Administration of Justice, and the Irish Council for Civil Liberties. They providedadvice on the direction of the project and identified relevant stakeholders for in-depth interviews.The research team would like to express its immense gratitude to the members of the advisoryboard for their support and guidance throughout the research cycle.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherKeele University
    Number of pages88
    Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Jan 2015


    • Transnational Organised Crime
    • human trafficking
    • drug trafficking
    • surveillance


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