New Zealand tourism: which direction would it take?

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Citations (Scopus)


Tourism in New Zealand represents nearly 1 in 10 jobs, 9.1% of the country’sGDP and 18% of foreign exchange earnings. The country’s tourism brand, 100% Pure NewZealand, is world leading. However visitor demand and global tourism trends arechanging. The Tourism 2050 project, commissioned by the Ministry of Tourism and theFoundation for Research in Science and Technology, set out to envision the future oftourism in New Zealand by asking the question, ‘What will New Zealand tourism look in theyear 2050?’. The research project produced four scenarios, Manaakitanga, An Eco Paradise, Perfect Storm and The State of China, which all follow different pathways and are constructed upon realistic circumstances. The purpose of the scenarios was to provide a foundation to encourage and promote discussion in order to understand New Zealand’s tourism future and to ‘think differently’. The scenarios provided a comprehensive analysis of the external and internal challenges New Zealand’s tourism industry would face in thefuture and conclude with a series of strategic recommendations which are the basis of atourism national plan. This paper provides a detailed account of that scenario planningprocess, content and outcomes, thus providing policy makers with a blue print of how todo scenario planning in the tourism context and serves as a guide to the future of tourismin New Zealand.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)415-435
JournalTourism Recreation Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Dec 2014


  • tourism
  • New Zealand
  • strategy
  • scenario planning
  • future studies.


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