Natural gas oxy-fuel cycles—Part 3: Economic evaluation

S Rezvani, O. Bolland, F. Franco, Ye Huang, R. Span, J. Keyser, F. Sander, D McIlveen-Wright, Neil Hewitt

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Citations (Scopus)


As part of the sixth European framework project on enhanced capture of CO2 (ENCAP), several novel power generation cycles with CO2 pre-capture methods are identified and the promising technologies are selected for a techno-economic assessment. For this analysis, the chemical process simulation package ECLIPSE is utilised. Following a detailed mass and energy balance calculation, the economic assessments of the Semi-close Oxygen Combustion (SCOC), Water Cycle and Graz as well as S-Graz Cycles is performed in reference to year 2004. The total capital cost estimation of the studied cycles is implemented in a bottom-up approach. Subsequently, the breakeven electricity selling price (BESP) is determined according to the net present value. Through the modification of parameters such as fuel price or capacity factor, the sensitivity analysis is carried out to assess the effect of endogenous or exogenous changes on the economic viability of the cycles. Among the systems, the S-Graz Cycle is the most cost intensive process. Yet, due to its high plant efficiency, it delivers the lowest electricity price and the lowest CO2-avoidance costs. The Water Cycle is the least capital intensive technology in this study. Due to its poorer plant efficiency however, the economics of this cycle scored third on the list.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)565-572
JournalEnergy Procedia
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Feb 2009

Bibliographical note

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[2]ECLIPSE Process Simulator, Copyright 1992, Energy Research Centre, University of Ulster, Coleraine, BTS2 1SA Tel (++44) 02870324469.

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[7]The costs of air separation units for each cycle was provided by Air Liquide.

[8]R.C. Hendricks, NASA/TM_2005-212632, March 2005.

[9]The Graz Cycle—A Zero Emission Power Plant of Highest Efficiency, Franz Heitmeir, Wolfgang Sanz, Emil Göttlich, Herbert Jericha, Graz University of Technology.

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[12]Franz Heitmeir, Wolfgang Sanz, Emil Göttlich, Herbert Jericha, The Graz Cycle—A Zero Emission Power Plant of Highest Efficiency, Graz University of Technology.


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