Napoleon Crossing the Foyle

Research output: Non-textual formPerformance

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Napoleon Crossing the Foyle is a multi-modal outreach project, funded by Ulster University's Provosts' Offices that engages cultural groups who have a shared interest in Napoleonic History.This free, one-day event will combine elements of Historical Re-enactment, Conflict Simulation Games, Academic Lectures and Traditional Singing all connected to the theme of Napoleon. Expect to see Historical Re-enactors in Period Uniforms, a large-scale Battle played as a Table-top Wargame with detailed Miniatures and Terrain. Expect to hear martial music on Fife and Drum,Traditional Ballads; sympathetic and unsympathetic to Napoleonic themes and academic talks on historical context and cultural significance.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 10 Mar 2018
EventNapoleon Crossing the Foyle - Ebrington Square, Derry/Londonderry
Duration: 10 Mar 201810 Mar 2018


  • Media Practice
  • Traditional Song
  • Historical Re-enactment
  • Tabletop Games
  • Early Modern History
  • Multi-Modal Performance
  • Site-Specific Performance
  • Post-Napoeonic.


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