Monte Carlo modeling of radio-frequency breakdown in argon

Marija Puač, Dragana Marić, Marija Radmilović radjenović, Milovan Šuvakov, Zoran Petrović

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This paper contains results of the detailed simulation study of the breakdown in low-pressure radiofrequency (RF) argon discharges. Calculations were performed by using a Monte Carlo code including electrons only, with the assumption that the influence of heavy particles was negligible. The obtained results are in a good qualitative agreement with the available experimental data and clearly show the multivalued nature of the left-hand branches of the breakdown voltage curves. The physical processes defining the breakdown conditions were analyzed based on the spatial profiles of electron density, local mean energy and the number of elastic and ionization collisions. Under the conditions where two breakdown values existed one could identify two regimes and two different
balances between the electron losses and production. Using the dependence of the breakdown voltage on the product of the pressure and the interelectrode distance, and the product of the frequency and the interelectrode distance, similarity laws for RF breakdown have been reexamined.
Original languageEnglish
Article number075013
Number of pages10
JournalPlasma Sources Science and Technology
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 13 Jul 2018


  • similarity law
  • radio-frequency breakdown
  • Monte Carlo simulation
  • plasma modeling


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