Moisture Sorption Characteristics of Wheat-Mango Flake

Clement Momoh, Felicia Idoko, Zebere Grace, Alonge Zainab

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In this study, the moisture sorption characteristics of wheat-mango flakes in relation to their shelf-life in high-density polyethylene material were studied. A preliminary research work was done to ascertain the optimum acceptable levels of Mango pulp addition to wheat flake production using 0 to 80 % (w/v) of wheat and mango pulp. Sensory evaluation was done and the most accepted flake samples were selected, the main research, the level of mango pulp was the varied ratio of 0 to 50 giving rise to a total of 5 samples. Moisture sorption characteristics of the flakes were studied using standard methods. The goodness of fit of the various models was evaluated using the percentage root mean square of the errors (%RMS) for adsorption and desorption. In the adsorption mode, the RMS ranged from 14.36 to 43.62 (GAB), 13.82 to 67.69(BET), 2.69 to 12.97(OSWIN), 4.10 to 16.35 (HENDERSON) in W: M 100:0 sample. For W:M 90:10, the RMS ranged from 38.12 to 43.76 (GAB) 34.04 to 95.33 (BET), 3.24 to 4.48 (OSWIN), 1.89 to 13.85 (HENDERSON). For W: M 80:20, the RMS ranged from 29.48 to 90.85 (GAB), 18.10 to 68.72 (BET), 1.91 to 4.75 (OSWIN), 4.40 to 15.46 (HENDERSON). For W: M 70:30, the RMS ranged from 35.22 to 47.91 (GAB), 14.51 to 40.56 (BET), 2.81 to 4.20 (OSWIN), 2.32 to 13.78 (HENDERSON). For W:M 60:40, the RMS ranged from 23.59 to 55.91 (GAB), 14.41 to 42.96 (BET), 2.96 to 5.97 (OSWIN), 1.95 to 15.28 (HENDERSON). And for W:M 50:50, the values ranged from 41.20 to 55.10 (GAB),13.85 to 60.53 (BET), 1.78 to 5.65 (OSWIN), 1.25 to 14.35 (HENDERSON) respectively. Wheat-mango flakes sorption isotherm obeys type II curve and Oswin and Henderson model fits better and shelf-life for wheat-mango flake is greater than 12 months in high density polyethylene packaging film used as packaging material. Sensory evaluation revealed that acceptable flakes can be produced from wheat supplemented with mango fruit pulp. Blend formulation wheat: mango at 50:50 was mostly acceptable

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Food and Nutrition
Issue number1
Early online date4 Aug 2023
Publication statusPublished online - 4 Aug 2023


  • Wheat
  • Mango
  • Moisture Sorption Isotherms
  • flakes


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