Modelling Resilient construction through a mixed-use development within an urban environment

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The study is an investigation into what constitutes resilient construction in 2022, understood through the metrics of a mixed-use development within an urban environment. The context is the climate change emergency and the pressing need to successfully implement the ‘nearly’ Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) policy
across the EU construction industry. This policy in Ireland is still evolving however significant issues of performance definition and procurement have already been identified. The paper identifies a performance bonus to be achieved by expanding the nZEB Policy Platform to encompass an energy standard for urban areas which for new buildings is at least ‘energy-plus’. The benefits accruing include long life buildings, with an inbuilt flexibility of use and a demand side support for our power grids. To progress, energy use needs to be perceived as part of a larger system. The metrics of success need to change from calibrations of individual assets through a ‘Building Energy Rating’, (BER) to a more expansive focus on reducing ‘Greenhouse Gas Emissions’, (GHG) at a neighbourhood and community level. This will require integration of our communities into an energy system
reflecting ‘minimal entropy’, ‘closed loop resource allocation’ and clearly defined criteria for measuring same.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWill Cities Survive
Subtitle of host publicationPLEA 2022
Place of PublicationSantiago
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished online - 22 Nov 2022
Event36th PLEA Conference: Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design - Centro de Extensión of Casa Central UC, Santiago, Chile
Duration: 22 Nov 202225 Nov 2022


Conference36th PLEA Conference


  • nZEB
  • EU Policy
  • Resilient Construction
  • Community Energy
  • Energy-plus


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