Model-Based Software Design of a Large-Scale Butler Matrix Beamformer for Hybrid 5G Subsystems

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With 4G networks reaching their practical limits due to the ever-increasing demand for seamless connectivity, it has been clear that 5G is the future of communications. Millimetre-waves (mmWaves) is considered as a way forward with momentous research being carried out to provide cost-effective and easy-to-implement solutions, which can increase the data rate, provide low latency, and reliable radio connection. Inspired by this, a Butler matrix (BM) structure was considered in this work, due to its potential role in implementing large-scale beamforming networks (BFNs) for 5G systems. This would facilitate their deployment in both practical and analytical hybrid beamforming scenarios. Thus, a system-level model of large-scale BMs was realised in software to demonstrate its integrated structures and outputs. The proposed model can be significantly instrumental in the design of large-scale and hybrid wireless infrastructures at both sub-6 GHz and mmWave bands.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2022XBL0026
Pages (from-to)386-391
Number of pages6
JournalIEICE Communications Express
Issue number7
Early online date12 Apr 2022
Publication statusPublished online - 12 Apr 2022


  • BFN
  • Butler matrix
  • hybrid modelling
  • large-scale subsystem


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