Method of manufacture of a composite concrete article (Process B)

Patricia Belford (Inventor), Ruth Morrow (Inventor)

Research output: Patent

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A method of manufacturing a composite concrete article comprising forming, affixing or applying at least one textile structure onto a base layer, said base layer comprising a soluble substrate, and incorporating the at least one textile structure into a body of wet uncured concrete whereby the base layer dissolves leaving the at least one textile structure embedded in the surface of the concrete, such that the at least one textile structure defines at least a portion of a surface of the cured concrete article.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberPCT/EP2010/001310
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 4 Mar 2009

Bibliographical note

Country: UK
Patent Application Date: 2010-03-03


  • concrete
  • composite
  • dissolvable
  • textiles
  • embedded


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