Mentorship/portfolio program in early medical years, is it the perfect twinning?

Enjy Abouzeid, Nourhan F Wasfy, Rania Alkhadragy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objectives: Compiling the portfolio in the early years of medical study
is considered an important educational instrument for fostering
change in the medical education curriculum in Egypt. This study
assumed that adding the mentorship may boost the effectiveness of
this program. This study was conducted at the Faculty of Medicine,
Suez Canal University in early years of medical study with the following
objectives: assessing the effects of mentoring portfolios on students
and staff, exploring how mentors and students perceived the
mentorship/ portfolio program, and determining any suggestions to
improve the program
Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study, sample included a total
comprehensive sample of year 1 students (n=260 students) and
Seventeen mentors. Two questionnaires were used: Students'
perception questionnaire and Mentors' perception questionnaire.
Results: Mentorship has helped in the implementation of the portfolio
as all mentors agreed that mentorship improved the final product of
the portfolio and facilitated the process of the portfolio. The twining
has supported the students academically and professionally.
Academically as students agreed that their mentors assist in portfolio
understanding, 68.3%, provide constructive feedback 67.4%, and
follow the fulfilment of all the portfolio inputs 65.6%. It helped them to
develop personally and professionally through the development of
their reflective skills, 59.6% and the concept map 64%.
Conclusion: The study concluded that the mentorship may help
improvement of the final product of the portfolio in the early basic
years. Moreover, it assists the academic support to the students and
helps them to develop their reflective skills.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)335-350
Number of pages16
JournalAdvances in Social Sciences Research Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 25 Jan 2021


  • Mentorship
  • portfolio
  • reflective skills
  • Mentoring portfolios


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