Medical Education Adaptations Post COVID-19: An Egyptian Reflection

Mohamed HK Shehata, Enjy Abouzeid, Nourhan F Wasfy, Adel Abdelaziz, Ray L Wells, Samar A Ahmed

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Background: Coronavirus (COVID19) appears to be an inflection point that is forcing a disruption in medical education.
Objective: The study aims to explore how medical schools in Egypt responded to COVID-19 pandemic regarding teaching and learning/
assessment for undergraduate students.
Design: A mixed method exploratory 2-phase study was conducted. Data was collected through a questionnaire and focus groups.
Results: The responses of the participants were categorized according to main themes; University preparedness, Role of faculty in the
transition, Role of ME units/Departments/National/Regional bodies in the transition, Role of Egyptian Knowledge Bank, New teaching methods/strategies, New assessment methods/strategies and Projection into the future. The staff level of preparedness for that unexpected shift
was evaluated as optimum to high and a good leadership support was reported by 70% of them. They reported conflicting views about the
proper role of medical education units but reinforced the idea of Egyptian Knowledge Bank’s crucial role in this transition. Additionally, 64.1%
of the participants identified a clinical skills teaching challenge and 76.3% of them reported absence of alternative methods for summative
assessment. Finally, there is a communication problem with the students that leads to their detachment.
Conclusions: Individuals moved faster than bodies and relied on support existing outside the universities when catastrophe happened.
Many recommendations emerged including the need to integrate online learning into the curriculum at favorable percentages
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalMedical Education and Curricular Development
Early online date27 Aug 2020
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 27 Aug 2020


  • COVID-19
  • online learning
  • new teaching and assessment methods
  • medical education


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