At a time of great change within the higher education sector, this paper focuses on thechallenges facing marketers in the UK’s higher education industry. Specifically, theresearch identifies the extent to which university marketing managers are consciousof the importance of market segmentation particularly with regard to the growingmature learner segment, and to what extent such marketers are using the web toengage and influence this older segment. The evidence presented in this studysuggests that the sample universities display an inadequate state of readiness torespond to the marketing challenges arising in the changing environment and thatthe opportunity to influence the growing and affluent mature learner market throughonline communication remains largely unexploited. A general lack of a marketingorientation within the sector prevails.Keywords: mature learner; web communication; higher education
Original language | English |
Pages (from-to) | 1-15 |
Journal | The Service Industries Journal |
Volume | 33 |
DOIs | |
Publication status | Published (in print/issue) - 2013 |
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