MARE: Mobile Augmented Reality BasedExperiments in Science, Technology and Engineering

Clement Onime, James Uhomoibhi, Sandro Radicella

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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The average learner today, being quite exposed to information and communication technologytools, is less inclined to read books or manuals and prefers to carry out most of thecommunications on-line using new/modern electronic devices or gadgets. The traditionalteaching styles built around using only face-to-face classroom based lessons no longer suit thelearning styles of the average learner; introducing multimedia or other on-line content intoteaching results in improved performance by the learners. Blended e-learning or other on-lineteaching strategies tend to focus on the delivery of theoretical material; however thepedagogy/training of engineers, technologists and scientists involves a strong hands-onpractical/laboratory training component as they are expected to create new things/technologiesand not just repeat what previous generations did. The benefits of this hands-on or practicalcomponent include stimulating deep and reflective learning, thereby improving the creativeproblem solving capabilities while also providing exposure/insight into real world problemsand challenges. This chapter introduces mobile augmented reality (semi-immersive 3D virtualreality) as a vehicle for the delivery of practical laboratory experiments in science, technologyand engineering. Mobile augmented reality delivers multi-sensorial interactions with acomputing platform over commodity hardware technology that is already widely accepted.Two illustrated examples in the fields of micro-electronics and communications engineeringare presented to highlight the innovative features such as the ability to closely replicate anexisting laboratory based hands-on experiment and use of the mobile augmented realityexperiment as a blended learning aid for laboratory experiments or stand-alone off-lineexperiment for distance learning.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOnline Experimentation: Emerging Technologies and IoT
EditorsMaria Restivo, Alberto Cardoso, Antonio Lopes
Place of PublicationBarcelona, Spain
PublisherIFSA Publishing
ISBN (Print)978-84-608-6128-7
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 23 Dec 2015


  • Mobile Learning
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality
  • Online experimentation


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