LPWAN Wearable Intelligent Healthcare Monitoring for Heart Failure Prevention

P Catherwood, Joseph Rafferty, Stephen McComb, James McLaughlin

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This paper presents an advanced long-range low-power Internet of Things wearable temperature sensor to evaluate and predict the likelihood of a heart failure event in high-risk patients. Initial trials have validated the potential of long-range long-term personalized community-based monitoring with smart intervention decision making. The intelligent device implements machine learning to understand the user’s activities of Daily Living (ADL) and their environment; using this information coupled with their body temperature allows the system to evaluate and predict the likelihood of a heart failure event. The solution is based upon the European 868 MHz LoRaWAN standard. As Ulster University roll out a regional LoRaWAN “Things Connected” network across Northern Ireland (owned by Digital Catapult, UK) the embryonic solution will be tested on a larger scale for both home based monitoring as well as patients undertaking daily living activities.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 6 Jul 2018
EventBritish HCI Conference 2018 - Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Duration: 2 Jul 20186 Jul 2018


ConferenceBritish HCI Conference 2018
Abbreviated titleBHCI2018
Country/TerritoryNorthern Ireland


  • Cardiac
  • Heart Failure
  • Internet of Things
  • LPWAN,
  • Machine learning
  • Intelligent
  • Intervention


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