Liddell Linen Lace: Linen Biennale Northern Ireland: Re Call Re Think Re Form

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This conference paper will chart the progress of two different projects with the common thread of linen blending knowledge from industry, academia and archives. 
The first; an AHRC (Art & Humanaties Research Council) grant to collaborate with MYB textiles a lace damask weaver in Scotland re-forming their existing technology to weave new linen lace fabrics to embed in concrete. This is an extension of a 12 year collaboration with Ruth Morrow Professor of Architecture ,at QUB. We are developing new surfaces in concrete utilising the properties of linen to re define innovative methods of working with concrete. The designs for this project are inspired by a Heritage Lottery funded project, to clean digitise and re make new woven and printed designs from the lost archive from The William Liddell weaving industry. 1600 photographic glass plates recording many of the design from this once famous Company, who in their prime produced linen for the Titanic and beyond. Working with weaver Barbara Dass new work will be woven and printed, responding to the narratives and information gathered during the research process. 

Both projects look back to Look forward, showcasing two of Northern Irelands indigenous industries, Textiles and Construction.

Patricia Belford Senior Research Fellow Ulster University
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 3 Oct 2018
EventLinen Biennale Northern Ireland: Re Call Re Think Re Form - Island Arts Centre , Lisburn, United Kingdom
Duration: 3 Oct 20184 Oct 2018


ConferenceLinen Biennale Northern Ireland
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • Linen
  • Heritage
  • Damask Weaving
  • Northern Ireland
  • Industry
  • Concrete
  • Textiles
  • Heritage Lottery Fund
  • William Liddell
  • Linen Biennale
  • Archives
  • Collaboration
  • Shuttles and Shafts


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