Leaves and stems of Capparis erythrocarpos, more sustainable than roots, show antiarthritic effects

M.A. Twumasi, A. Tandoh, P.K. Mante, E. Ekuadzi, M.E. Boakye-Gyasi, C.K. Benneh, D. Kumadoh, E. Woode

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


Ethnopharmacological relevance: Capparis erythrocarpos is a medicinal plant used widely in many parts of Africa
for the management of pain and inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. Its wide range of use,
popularity and high value, make C. erythrocarpos containing products a target for economically driven adulteration. This is made worse, by the use of roots, which are unsustainable plant parts. In addition, the mechanism
of anti-inflammation is not clearly understood.
Aim of the study: Therefore, this study comparatively evaluated the anti-arthritic and analgesic effects of the
leaves, stems and roots of C. erythrocarpos, while elucidating the mechanism of anti-inflammation.
Materials and methods: Using the complete Freund's adjuvant arthritis model, the antiathritic effects were
evaluated. The analgesic effects were determined by measuring responses to Von Frey filament number 9. Effects
of C. erythrocarpos extracts on the levels of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-α) were
determined using ELISA. Haematological and serum biochemical assays were also carried out.
Results: The leaf, stem and root extracts significantly reduced paw volumes with ED50 values (mg/kg) of 182.5,
181.5 and 36.4 respectively. The leaf extract at a dose of 100 mg/kg showed substantial analgesic activity with a
decrease in the percentage response to Von Frey filament 9. However, there was no significant difference in
activities of the leaf, stem and root extracts. Results from ELISA assays show that lower doses of the stem extracts
reduce levels of IL-6. Lower doses of all extracts also reduce TNF-α levels. Haematological analysis showed
extracts reversed elevated WBC and platelet levels. Toxicity evaluation with kidney and liver function tests
indicated no significant differences between the treatment and control groups.
Conclusions: The leaves and stems, just as the roots, have antiarthritic and analgesic effects and can be used as
more sustainable alternatives to the roots. This will support the continuous growth of the industry that has
developed around C. erythrocarpos.
Original languageEnglish
Article number111890
Pages (from-to)1-11
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Ethnopharmacology
Early online date16 Apr 2019
Publication statusPublished online - 16 Apr 2019


  • Complete Freund's adjuvant assay
  • Von Frey
  • Inflammation


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