Investigation into Collisions for Right Turning Traffic

B Solan, Imelda Harran (Dr.), Emma Gallagher

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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Despite on-going improvements in road design standards and a heightened public awareness of traffic safety issues, regrettably there still remains an unacceptable level of collisions on our road networks. Current Northern Ireland (NI) research and published statistics attributes the causation factors of these collisions for the most-part to driver error [1]. However, conflicting research indicates that road geometry and other physical elements contribute to Road Traffic Collisions (RTCs) [2]. This paper critically investigates and evaluates the issue of design standards and right turn RTCs and aims to indicate to what extent road geometry contributes to RTCs. The study adopted a two-fold approach, namely involving the analysis of quantitative right turn collision statistics, while identifying the qualitative opinions of professionals in the field of road design and safety engineering. Ultimately it was concluded that there is an association between the number and severity of right turn collisions and junction form.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 5 Sept 2013
EventProceeding of the ITRN2013 - Trinity Collage, Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 5 Sept 20136 Sept 2013


ConferenceProceeding of the ITRN2013


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