Investigating the influence of relative humidity on the rehydration of milk protein concentrates in real-time using Environmental scanning electron microscopy

Lucille Gallagher, Valeria Cenini, David McSweeney, G McKerr, Noel McCarthy, Barry O'Hagan

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


The physical state of milk protein concentrate (MPC) powder particles during rehydration is not well described. Nanoparticle size plays an important role in the structural, flow and compositional properties of milk powders especially so when determining their subsequent rehydration profiles. Using advanced bioimaging technologies the real-time rehydration of milk powders can be observed at the level of the individual particle. The aim of this study was to characterise the effects of storage relative humidity on the real-time rehydration of MPC particles using ESEM.

Low-(MPC40 and 50), medium-(MPC65 and 75) and high-(MPC85) protein content MPC powders manufactured by Teagasc, Moorepark, Fermoy were stored at 54% and 88% relative humidity (RH) at both 4 oC and 20 oC. The rehydration of MPC powder particles were investigated under ESEM to examine the effects of temperature, RH and storage over three months. Surface content of lactose, protein and fat was determined using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).

Initially MPC40 and MPC50s stored at 4 oC in 54% and 88% RHs exhibited a weakening of the external framework leading to their subsequent collapse and in some cases full dissolution. MPC65 and MPC75 stored at 4 oC, 54% RH revealed large breaks on the external skin of powder particles and MPC85 displayed little dissolution. MPC65, MPC75, and MPC85 stored at 88% RH showed a graded disruption of the external skin of the powder particles. MPC powders stored at 20 oC in 54% and 88% RHs showed a more rapid decrease in their rehydration profiles over three months.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 7 Oct 2019
EventDynamic in-situ microscopy relating structure and function - The Royal Society, London
Duration: 21 Oct 201922 Jun 2021


ConferenceDynamic in-situ microscopy relating structure and function
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