Introducing Assessment & Feedback: A Framework for Engagement, Empowerment and Inclusion

Research output: Non-textual formWeb publication/site


This website is part of a research project entitled ‘Introducing Assessment and Feedback: A Framework for Engagement, Empowerment and Inclusion’. Its purpose is to provide information on the project, encourage discussion and disseminate project resources and outputs.Chickering and Gamson (1987) outlined the importance of the participation and interaction of both the teacher and student within the learning experience. Neither role is independent of the other. In practice identifying student’s needs and ways of learning initially and throughout the learning experience informs the best ways of communicating and relating to students and encourage their participation in the learning process.The National Student Survey of Undergraduate Students has highlighted for many institutions, staff, enrolled and prospective students, the experiences that strongly impact students’ attitudes to their learning. One of the key areas which has been of particular note is Assessment and Feedback.The University of Ulster has developed seven Principles of Assessment and Feedback for Learning to promote and encourage effective assessment and feedback practice for students and staff at Ulster.This project will evidence a framework of engagement with students in their first year of tertiary level study. It will demonstrate processes by which real and meaningful implementation of the principles takes place. A key part of the collected evidence will examine students’ attitudes to their level of knowledge and confidence having engaged with the activities and resources.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2013


  • assessment and feedback
  • first year students


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