Integrated geophysical surveys of The French Frigate La-Surveillante (1797), Bantry Bay, Co. Cork, Ireland

R Quinn, C Breen, W Forsythe, K Barton, S Rooney, D O'Hara

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

39 Citations (Scopus)


Between 1998 and 2000, a series of geophysical surveys were conducted over the site of La Surveillante, a French Frigate wrecked in 1797 in Bantry Bay, Co. Cork, Ireland. The objectives of the surveys were to accurately relocate the wreck-site, delineate the extent of site, map the seafloor and subsurface lithologies in the wreck-environs and provide basemaps for more detailed diver investigations. The integrated surveys employed a suite of equipment consisting of a digital echo-sounder, side-scan sonar, Chirp sub-bottom profiler and an Overhause-effect magnetometer. Integration and interpretation of the geophysical data indicate La Surveillante was wrecked on a fine-grained substrate in a low energy environment, with site distribution limited to an area measuring 50 x 25 m centred on the wreck. Integration of geophysical- and diver-survey data, with tidal and sediment records, indicates site formation is dominated by biological and chemical processes.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)413-422
JournalJournal of Archaeological Science
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 1 Apr 2002

Bibliographical note

This item was available online on 25 May 2002, but was published Apr-2002 (see uploaded document in 'other files' for screenshot. Item will not save with published date added as chronological order is not as expected.


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