Innovation of eParticipation Strategies Using Living Labs as Intermediaries

Brian Cleland, Maurice Mulvenna, Brendan Galbraith, JG Wallace, Suzanne Martin

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The paper explores whether Living Labs, acting as open innovation intermediaries, can address some of the challenges surrounding the sustainable adoption of eParticipation tools and methods. We begin by analysing the existing literature on Living Labs and Open Innovation, and the extent to which Living Labs can act as innovation intermediaries as envisioned by Chesbrough (2006), Wolpert (2002) and others. We then consider the research on eParticipation, and in particular some of the risks and challenges surrounding the sustainability of innovation in this area. In the second part of the paper, focusing on the PARTERRE project, we present the methodology and key findings of six eParticipation pilots. Further comments and analysis based on these findings is provided, examining issues such as inter-cultural barriers, technological factors, organisational concerns and participant feedback. Finally, we present some conclusions in the light of the findings.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)120-132
JournalElectronic Journal of e-Government
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - Dec 2012

Bibliographical note

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