Industrial Wastes Utilization a Biorefinery Prospective: Biotechnological Recycling and Reuse of Brewer’s Solid Wastes with other food industry residues

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


This project was initiated to establish potential alternatives for the utilisation of spent barley residues generated in Breweries.. The experiments were designed to upgrade brewer’s spent grains (BSG), malt spent rootlets (MSR) and their combinations with other by-products generated in food industry, including molasses, and wastes generated from the processing of citrus fruits and potatoes. Specifically, the microbial treatment of these carbohydrate-rich substrates was studied with amylolytic fungi (Aspergillus awamori, A. oryzae), ligninolytic fungi (Phanerochaete chrysosporium), and yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) for all possible outputs: (a) fermentable sugar production and its application as nutrient medium for microbial biomass production, (b) protein enriched animal feeds by solid state fermentation (SSF) processes, and (c) biocatalysts based on immobilized cells for use in alcoholic fermentation processes. In the first approach, treatment of substrates by amylolytic fungi, carried out either directly by fungi, or by their crude enzyme solutions, showed that fermentable sugar production was not efficient to support their use as sole carbon sources, e.g. for the cultivation of yeast, but they were found effective as nutrient-supplements in other yeast growth media. SSF processes supported fungal growth, leading to treated materials with a maximum real protein increase of about 35%. The biocatalysts prepared by immobilization of yeast on brewer’s spent grains, fresh or thawed after frozen storage and delignified, were used successfully for the production of alcohol, beer and wine of good quality in increased fermentation efficiency process.
Nigam P (2017) An overview: Recycling of solid barley waste generated as a by-product in distillery and brewery. Waste Management, 62. pp. 255-261.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 21 Nov 2021
EventSecond International Scientific and Technological Convention (CICT-UC)
III Workshop on process engineering for industry and services
The University of Camagüey Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz (UC),CUBA 22-26 Nov 2021

: International Scientific and Technological Convention
- University of Camagüey Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz (UC),CUBA, Camagüey, Cuba
Duration: 22 Nov 202126 Nov 2021


ConferenceSecond International Scientific and Technological Convention (CICT-UC)
III Workshop on process engineering for industry and services
The University of Camagüey Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz (UC),CUBA 22-26 Nov 2021

Abbreviated titleCICT-UC
Internet address


  • biorefinery
  • industry


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