Indirectly Heated Carbonate Looping Cycles in Cement Plants for CO2 Capture and Storage

Sina Rezvani, Angela Rolfe, Flavio Franco, Caterina Brandoni, Kyra Boege, Neil Hewitt, Y Huang

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The concept of Carbonate Looping Cycle (CaL) offers many advantages compared to other CO2 capture technologies within cement plants. The configurations currently discussed in the literature employ oxy-fuel combustion to supply the necessary heat for the calcination process in a single reactor. As a result, the process requires an air separation unit. The indirectly heated calcium looping (IHCaL) offers solutions to overcome the present limitations. Numerous heat pipes connecting a separate combustion unit to a calciner supply thermal energy for the calcination process. This study, based on the best available technology, recommends both full and tail-end IHCaL integrations within a commercial cement plant. Both systems provide over 1.3 million tonnes of cement per annum. The fully integrated option produces 309 GWh of electricity, compared to 875 GWh for the tail-end option. The CO2 avoidance rates for fully integrated and tail-end options are 0.83 and 0.88 t CO2/t Clinker, respectively. The tail-end version has a notably high capital cost, resulting in a high CO2 avoidance cost of €37.6/t CO2. On the other hand, the fully integrated version lowers the CO2 avoidance cost to €29.8/t CO2 because of a lower capital requirement and a smaller gap between the amount of CO2 captured and avoided.
Original languageEnglish
Article number125349
Pages (from-to)1-13
Number of pages13
JournalApplied Thermal Engineering
Issue number125349
Early online date25 Dec 2024
Publication statusPublished online - 25 Dec 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024

Data Access Statement

Data will be made available on request.


  • post-combustion capture
  • decarbonising cement plants
  • indirectly heated calcination
  • heat pipes, calcium looping cycles
  • techno-economic analysis
  • Techno-economic analysis
  • Heat pipes
  • Post-combustion capture
  • Calcium looping cycles
  • Decarbonising cement plants
  • Indirectly heated calcination


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