In the corner of working-class boys: Relational approaches and the re-orientating of habitus

Erik Cownie, Susan Morgan, Brian Murphy, Emily Stanton

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The academic disengagement of working-class boys features regularly in sociology of education research which frequently highlights how their classed and gendered identities often serve as a barrier to their academic success. The salience of this issue is elevated in the current climate of social change which has renewed debates around gender identities.
Analysing case study data from a Northern Ireland-based study, we draw on Bourdieu’s theoretical construct of habitus to examine how school-community youth work collaboration encompassing relational approaches can be leveraged to foster better learning experiences and outcomes for such boys; and how their habitus can be reorientated toward a pro-school agenda by resultant changes in the field within which their learning occurs.
Original languageEnglish
Article number102238
JournalInternational Journal of Educational Research
Early online date15 Sept 2023
Publication statusPublished online - 15 Sept 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
TBS1 was a five-year longitudinal study (2006–2011) carried out by The Centre for Young Men's Studies at the University of Ulster and funded by the NI Department of Education and the NI Department of Justic e. TBS2 is an ongoing research project funded by Ulster University's Department of Widening Access and Participation .

Funding Information:
TBS1 was a five-year longitudinal study (2006–2011) carried out by The Centre for Young Men's Studies at the University of Ulster and funded by the NI Department of Education and the NI Department of Justice. TBS2 is an ongoing research project funded by Ulster University's Department of Widening Access and Participation.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Author(s)


  • working-class boys
  • relational approaches
  • youth work
  • habitus


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