Improved method of rapidly maturing a raw carcass

Ltd Moypark (Inventor), Mark Elder (Inventor), Adele Dunn (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method of rapidly maturing a raw carcass by electrical stimulation of pulsed direct current to the carcass. The pulsed direct current provides substantially equal periods of maximum and minimum intensity (square-wave form). The preferred voltage applied across the carcass is 50 volts at a frequency of 10Hz and an intensity of 45 milliamps with the pulsed current being on for 0.075 s and off for 0.025 s. The stimulation is applied for 30 seconds to produce a drop in pH of 0.3 units. The matured carcass is then air chilled.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO1997GB02904 19971103
Priority date14/05/98
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 1 Nov 1996

Bibliographical note

Country: GB
Commercialisation Status: equity
Patent Application Date: 1997-11-03


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