Improbable Landmarks, Tours and Anti Tours

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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A presentation on my practice on the Invitation of Acting Out a Turin based organisation for the project PROOFSA. The presentation covered works in the Improbable Landmarks series and a range of other site specific work including Anti Tours. Also produced was a video interview regarding my practice for forthcoming documentary on the PROOFS project.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUnknown Host Publication
Place of PublicationTurin
PublisherActing Out
Number of pages60
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 1 Mar 2012
EventPROOFS PARALLELI organized by Acting Out - Istituto Euromediterraneo del Nord Oves, Turin
Duration: 1 Mar 2012 → …


ConferencePROOFS PARALLELI organized by Acting Out
Period1/03/12 → …
Internet address

Bibliographical note

PROOFS project (organised by Acting Out (Torino)) included in
ARTInRETI in Fondazione Pistoletto in Biella 5 ottobre - 30 dicembre 2012
An interview with me regarding my practice is included in the documentary on the PROOFs project shown in this exhibition
Pratiche artistiche e trasformazione urbana in Piemonte
Ricerca a cura di Cecilia Guida
Coordinamento e concept di Juan Esteban Sandoval e Paolo Naldini
Partecipanti: 6secondsTO (Torino) | a.titolo (Torino) | Acting Out (Torino) | Asilo Bianco (Ameno) | Banca della Memoria (Chieri) | Eco e Narciso (Torino) | Kaninchen-Haus (Torino)|
Par coii bsgna semnà/Chi semina raccoglie (Frassineto Po) | PAV-Parco Arte Vivente (Torino) | Progetto Diogene (Torino) | Urbe-Rigenerazione Urbana (Torino)


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