Human Computer Interaction in Healthcare: Current Work and Opportunities

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This presentation will provide an overview of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research studies that have been carried out by Ulster University. The presentation will focus on HCI research within the healthcare domain. At Ulster, we have developed HCI systems for patients to encourage the self-management of chronic diseases as well as interactive user interfaces for medical professionals. We believe optimal HCI in healthcare can help both the patient and the physician. 1) The patient will only likely engage with good HCI (for example – if they are required to continuously record their own vital signs in the home – currently branded as connected health) and 2) the physician can make better decisions more efficiently and accurately with optimal HCI. As a result of our recent studies in this area, we are launching a commercial User Experience Laboratory (UX-Lab), which will allow enterprises to empirically evaluate their products using state of the art usability testing equipment which entail psycho-physiology sensors (eye tracking, electro-dermal activity, heart rate variability etc.) to derive biometrics for objectively determining the user experience. In addition to evaluating the usability of medical devices and software, we have also evaluated the usability of medical (diagnostic) images and signals. For example, we recorded the eye gaze and scan path of world leading cardiologists whilst they read the 12-lead electrocardiogram and we have also analysed eye gaze patterns from radiographers whilst they interpreted X-RAY images. Such studies will be discussed in this presentation. In summary, I will provide a brief overview of previous work and make predictions about future HCI research in healthcare (which may include natural and intelligent [adaptive] user interfaces for the patient, nurse and the doctor).
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 11 Mar 2015


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