How do BoP firms shape markets? Market shaping in resource-constrained environments

Sandeep Rawat, Ramendra Singh

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Previous research on the market-shaping by firms is based on resource-abundant situations, and scanty research is carried on how it takes place in resource-constrained environments. To address this knowledge void, we explore market shaping in base of pyramid (BoP) markets using the context of four BoP producer (BoPP) firms in an emerging market, India. We analyze data from in-depth interviews of 43 key stakeholders using an inductive theory-building approach. Our findings in the form of eight propositions suggest that market shaping among BoPP firms follow a novel configurational relationship, categorized in form of ‘market shaping triad’ consisting of their activities, resources and capabilities that aims to guide the BoP firms in their market shaping efforts in BoP markets. The study contributes to building knowledge on BoPP firms' market-shaping by investigating firm-level activities, resources, and capabilities that allow resource constraint firms to shape their market environments.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2022
Event2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference: American Marketing Association - Las Vegas, NV + Virtual Accommodations, Las Vegas, United States
Duration: 10 Feb 202220 Feb 2022


Conference2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference
Abbreviated titleAMA
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityLas Vegas
Internet address


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