High Temperature Air-Water Heat Pump and Energy Storage: Validation of TRNSYS Models

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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This paper presents the validation of TRNSYS models for a high temperature air-water heat pump and a thermal energy storage based on field trial data. This validation aims at clarifying strengths and weaknesses of the models and verifying the model accuracy which can support further studies conducting advanced models related to HTAWHP-TES. Results show good agreements with field trial results for condenser water outlet temperatures and Coefficient of Performance of the validated model, with CV(RMSE) of 4.14% and 11.6% respectively. Discrepancies caused in start-up operation of the heat pump are the main disadvantage that the model cannot address and have been discussed. The storage model was validated in three modes: charge, discharge and standby. Very strong coincidences of tank node temperatures are observed between simulation and collected data in both charging and discharging mode. In standby mode, less than 2.5˚C difference is observed in top tank nodes, whereas bottom nodes are within 1˚C uncertainty. Stratification in standby loss has been discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2017 Vol II WCECS 2017
Place of PublicationSan Francisco, USA
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished online - 2017


  • Heat pump
  • Energy storage


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