High-level Facial Animation Interface. [Piloted in 'Star Wars:The Clone Wars' (2008) [film and episodic TV series] ; 'Rock Band 2' (Harmonix 2008) [game] and implemented in 'A New Dawn' (2010)

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products


One of the greatest challenges in computer animation is the realistic portrayal of the human face. As realism within computer generated lighting models increases through the use of mathematical principles derived from real world lighting, an artist with an understanding and knowledge of lighting principles can easily generate a photographic still life. The complexity required to generate motion of organic surfaces particularly the human face must be able to attain the same realism. A high-level interface that can mask the complex systems required to achieve facial realism enables the animator to achieve the most appropriate performance for a character.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 18 Mar 2010


  • nvidia 3d animation game film facial


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