Gypsum plasterboards enhanced with phase change materials: a fire safety assessment using experimental and computational techniques

Dionysios Kolaitis, Eleni Asimakopoulou, Maria Founti

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Phase Change Materials (PCM) can be used for thermal energy storage, aiming to enhance building energy efficiency. Recently, gypsum plasterboards with incorporated paraffin-based PCM blends have become commercially available. In the high temperature environment developed during a fire, the paraffins, which exhibit relatively low boiling points, may evaporate and, escaping through the gypsum plasterboard’s porous structure, emerge to the fire region, where they may ignite, thus adversely affecting the fire resistance characteristics of the building. Aiming to assess the fire safety behaviour of such building materials, an extensive experimental and computational analysis is performed. The fire behaviour and the main thermo-physical physical properties of PCM-enhanced gypsum plasterboards are investigated, using a variety of standard tests and devices (Scanning Electron Microscopy, Thermo Gravimetric Analysis, Cone Calorimeter). The obtained results are used to develop a dedicated numerical model, which is implemented in a CFD code. CFD simulations are validated using measurements obtained in a cone calorimeter. In addition, the CFD code is used to simulate an ISO 9705 room exposed to fire conditions, demonstrating that PCM addition may indeed adversely affect the fire safety of a gypsum plasterboard clad building.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2013
EventInternational Seminar for Fire Safety of Facades - Paris, France
Duration: 14 Nov 201315 Nov 2013
Conference number: 1


SeminarInternational Seminar for Fire Safety of Facades
Abbreviated titleFSF
Internet address


  • facade fire
  • CFD
  • Experimental technique
  • Phase Change Material (PCM)


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