Getting the public administration right in the public policy process.

Research output: Book/ReportBook

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Substantial evidence exists to demonstrate that the roles adopted by our senior bureaucratic officials dictate how policies are skewed, employed or implemented. While it is most important to get the policy design right, we need also to get the system of public administration right. This report draws on original research to highlight how a transnational network in Eurasia is facilitating policy learning across countries at very different economic, social and political development stages. The findings should be of interest to those involved in other emerging regional cooperation initiatives and to those interested in developing administrative capacity. The report identifies typologies of bureaucrat distinguished by their perceptions of new public management, new public governance and the craft of public administration.
Points for practitioners:
When we talk of increasing administrative capacity, what really do we mean? What type of officials do we expect within our public administrations? How does our bureaucratic elite interpret administrative reform or concepts such as public service motivation? Do they believe it is their role to simply devise solutions that are technically feasible and efficient, or do they think that they should mediate between different arguments? Alternatively, do bureaucrats perceive their role so as to devise politically feasible solutions or provide input with their own expertise or should they even support specific interests? This report addresses these practical questions of administrative reform that inform the policy adoption and implementation process.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Commissioning bodyOECD
Publication statusPublished (in print/issue) - 2017


  • Central Asia
  • Regional Action Plans
  • public administration


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